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Flip The Script: Episode 1 Entrusted With Responsibility

You are here for a purpose. You are valuable. You are loved. You are capable. You are able. You are entrusted. You are TREASURE (just in case you forget)...

Every single one of us has a responsibility that is entrusted to us and that we're uniquely qualified and talented to perform. For our doctors, nurses and health care professionals right now during covid-19, they are carrying a responsibility that most probably feels almost crippling and impossible to bear. We applaud, honour and salute you.

There is so much the rest of us can do to help and support during this time. For many of us staying at home and following government guidance is our entrusted responsibility today. We have a choice and we can focus on fear or we can flip the script and do what only we can do.

Like checking on those maybe you've lost contact with. It's loving from a distance and offering virtual hugs. Maybe it is posting positive and encouraging pictures on social media. Maybe it is live work outs for kids on youtube. Maybe it's running a marathon on your balcony. Maybe it's food shopping for those who are unable. Maybe it's singing or playing an instrument.

This is how we fight the fear and focus on our responsibility. This is how we fight covid 19.

What could you do today?


You're more talented than you know.

There is gold within you, let it show.

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