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What If We Flip The Script?

As a writer and speaker I am very aware of the power of what I say. Everyday I endeavor to live this principle; "...let not any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up". At home we apply the "was that kind?" question to challenge each other. This is especially important in teaching our 5 and 3 year old the power of their speech but also with each other. How easy it is to let our kindness slip with those we're closest too when we're tired or under pressure or feeling stressed.

The knowledge of the importance of what we say and how we say it though can mean we say nothing. This too is sometimes as unhelpful and unkind. For the fear of saying the wrong thing or being misunderstood, we say nothing.

I was discussing this challenge recently with a friend and mentor. She challenged me at that we must speak up. Yes do it from a kind heart, but speak. She challenged me not to be scared to add and use my voice. Even if I said the wrong thing. Even if not everyone liked what I said. She encouraged me to say it anyway. As we speak and share our hearts, thoughts and feelings we grow. We also encourage, influence and help others along the way. This is my heart.

I wanted to speak about discrimination. I wasn't sure how or what to say what I was thinking and feeling. The challenge from a trusted friend and mentor gave me the courage to find and use my voice. (Thank you Mary Gray-Reeves). So for the first time I have narrated one of my poems, (with a lot of help and encouragement from my friends and family), and here it is.

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