Merry Christmas (for anyone not feeling merry this year)
Not professional, not perfect but a personal Christmas ecard especially for anyone not feeling merry this year. From our heart to yours. Merry Merry Christmas...
Not professional. Not perfect.
But from a heart to yours.
Is this ecard made
For a merry cause.
Because this year’s different.
Different to the core.
It is unlike any year
You've known before.
You may not be feeling merry
But afraid, in doubt, unsure.
This year has shocked and shaken
You to your very core.
A calloused heart,
Ears dull and eyes that don’t see.
Can hear but not understand,
Sight that doesn’t perceive.
But when you see with your eyes
And hear with your ear
You understand with your heart
A turn can heal despite the year.
Comfort comfort
may this card bring
For any pain
Or heaviness within.
Dark can not drive out darkness
Hate can not drive out hate
Love, hope and light
Create a different fate
Forgiveness has power
It is what you need
It is the story,
it is the bleed.
Flourish is the new word.
The new word for 2021
It's time for a new beginning
It's time for a different song.
Forward momentum,
Poor in spirit but brave,
Courageous, bold, unafraid,
No longer fears' slave.
Loving yourself,
Mourning but strong,
Planned and purposed,
Uniquely belong.
Ordinary process,
Meek but powerful,
Patient and persistent,
Simply joyful.
Understanding generosity,
Freedom but not control,
Integrity and acceptance,
Hunger for a greater goal.
Respectful kindness,
Mercy but not weak,
Compassion and care,
Trust's highest peak.
Inspired dreams
Buried deep but eternally inside,
Pure aspirations and ambitions,
You no longer hide.
Self Sacrifice
Peace but at a cost
It is worth the fight
No one is lost
Hopeful commitment
Powerful but persecuted
Enduring and faithful,
Determination undiluted
Merry merry Christmas,
may you not just survive
But overcome and overcome
Flourish and thrive.